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Creating a Flowchart

Flowcharts are used to represent processes or workflows. Below is how you can create a simple flowchart.

import { digraph, toDot } from 'ts-graphviz';

const G = digraph('Flowchart', (g) => {
g.node('Start', { shape: 'circle' });
g.node('Process', { shape: 'box' });
g.node('Decision', { shape: 'diamond' });
g.node('End', { shape: 'circle' });

g.edge(['Start', 'Process']);
g.edge(['Process', 'Decision']);
g.edge(['Decision', 'End'], { label: 'Yes' });
g.edge(['Decision', 'Process'], {
label: 'No',
constraint: false,
style: 'dashed',



  • Nodes with Shapes: Different shapes like circle, box, and diamond represent different types of steps.
  • Connecting Nodes: Edges connect the steps to show the flow.
  • Edge Labels: Labels like 'Yes' and 'No' on edges represent decision outcomes.

